Tissue and service that suits you

We are specialists for professional away-from home-products and reliable partners for the specialized trade. At least one of our four ranges SELECT, EXPECT, CUSTOM and GREEN HYGIENE is sure to meet your exact requirements.
Toilet Paper


Toilet Paper


Folded Towel Paper

Different Sizes and Folding Types

Towel Paper Rolls

For Center Pull, Sensor and Autocut Dispensers

Cosmetic Tissue

For All Purposes

Choose from our three carefully designed packages


  • Individual product specifications
  • Project-related volume pricesVolumenpreise
  • Order-related production within 3 weeks
  • Combination of up to 2 articles per order
  • Minimum order quantity: 33 pallets


  • The most important tissue products and napkins
  • Guaranteed delivery within 10 days
  • Combinability of all articles
  • Minimum order quantity: 17 pallets (combined)
  • Convincing service options


only D/A/CH countries
  • Our top sellers
  • Guaranteed delivery within 48 hours
  • Combinability of all articles
  • Minimum order quantity: one pallet
  • On request with customer protection to your delivery address

Get in touch with us!

Rob Haker

Export / Customer Services & Sales

+31 6 1884 1830


Max Nowotny

Brandmanagement / Green Hygiene

+49 170 1674 097



  • Individual product specifications
  • Project-related volume prices
  • Order-related production within 3 weeks
  • Combination of up to 2 articles per order
  • Minimum order quantity: 33 pallets

CUSTOM stands for customised order-related production. Here we live up to the full product diversity of our technical possibilities. No matter whether it should be one centimetre more in the roll width or a different type of packaging – we fulfill every technical wish that our flexible processing lines allow. Of course, private label packaging also plays an important role.

In our EXPECT programme we supply you with the most important tissue products  in any combination in a guaranteed delivery time of 10 days. The short delivery time helps you to reduce stocks and preserve your company’s liquidity.

10 days delivery time

Priority in case of shortages

Half trucks

Individual labels

End customer distribution

Free marketing & design support

Customised promotional material

Free sample shipments

100 days guaranteed return of goods


  • The most important tissue products and napkins
  • Guaranteed delivery within 10 days
  • Combinability of all articles
  • Minimum order quantity: 17 pallets (combined)
  • Convincing service options


  • Die wichtigsten Hygienepapiere und Servietten
  • Garantierte Lieferung innerhalb von 10 Tagen
  • Kombinierbarkeit aller Artikel
  • Mindestbestellmenge: 17 Paletten (kombiniert)
  • Überzeugende Service-Optionen

In unserem EXPECT Programm liefern wir Ihnen die wichtigsten Hygienepapiere in beliebiger Kombination in einer garantierten Lieferzeit von 10 Tagen. Die kurze verbindliche Lieferzeit des EXPECT Programms hilft Ihnen Bestände zu reduzieren und die Liquidität Ihres Unternehmens zu schonen. 

10 Tage Lieferzeit
Priorität bei Engpässen
Halbe LKW
Individuelle Label
Kostenloser Marketing  & Design Support
Individualisiertes Werbematerial
Kostenlose Mustersendungen
100 Tage garantierte Warenrücknahme


only D/A/CH countries
  • Our top sellers
  • Guaranteed delivery within 48 hours
  • Combinability of all articlesaller Artikel
  • Minimum order quantity: one pallet
  • On request with customer protection to your delivery address

SELECT is our record holder for service and speed. We guarantee delivery of our top sellers within 48 hours (24 hours on request). The minimum order quantity is just one pallet. With SELECT, you can completely save on your own logistics, because we are happy to deliver directly to your delivery address on your behalf and with certified customer protection.